
Over the years I have collated a few digital resources which I use and refer to regularly. I’m freely sharing my efforts here as I feel it will probably be of help to others in the community.

I don’t pretend to check that all the links are still active regularly though!

Creative Freelancing

Fantastic Sites to find loads of guides and toolkits

Need to Know

Making Sure Your Needs are Met

Hull and East Riding Specific

Doing Good Things

Community Organising

Inclusion and Accessibility


Developing Accessibile Publications

Challenging the Digital Divide

Tools and Development

Free/Cheap Creative Software and Digital Tools

Lauren Saunders is not responsible for third-party content and does not hold copyright on any of the documents (unless otherwise stated). Attribution has been given where possible and shared in the belief that the resource can indeed by freely shared (as it was found easily online). If you hold copyright on any of the resources and would like it to be removed, please get in touch.